Friday, March 29, 2013

Poor Poor Pitiful Me....

My poor pitiful blog has been feeling a bit neglected lately. Couldn't have anything at all to do with the fact that I haven't blogged since like Thanksgiving... NAH, not at all.... I told ya, I have to get used to the whole 'you're a blogger now, so you better make it a point to do interesting fabulous things on the daily!' life.....

Anyway... where was I... Oh, so yes, what has happened since I last updated? Hmm... well, of course we had Thanksgiving... It was fun. Bug and Bear enjoyed seeing Big Cheese Poppa... And of course I'm not going to complain or turn away from free food and laughs.
All of us, well sans me, ready to get our eat on... Thanksgiving 2012
I know I have mentioned before that the girls take dance and gymnastics.... Well with that comes appearances.... The first of which was the Huntsville Christmas Parade.... At the risk of agin myself, lemme just say that it has been a lotta years since this girl has been to the Christmas Parade....
Bug, Bear and I rode the float... Bug did exceptionally well, double handed waving at the crowd and screaming 'Merry Christmas!'.... Bear... not so much... nothing like sitting criss cross applesauce with a 3 year old in your lap for 2+ hours.... Then we lost her paci halfway thru (read: she threw a fit, and threw it over the side of the moving float, then got mad because I wouldn't superwoman jump off and get it).... so the last hour or so she was screaming.... Such is life.. Maybe when she graduates college we won't need one anymore.
Can you find Bear? She never goes anywhere without that paci....

Bug met Santa at the Christmas parade. Bear wanted no part of that... and my bottom half had already started to lose feeling by the time he made it to our float, so I wasn't in a position to force her to partake of all the Santa goodness... Lucky for me, er I mean HER, Bear got her chance to meet Santa at her preschool Christmas party... Yeah, can't even lie... she still didn't want any part of him...

Bug and Santa at the Christmas parade!

Bear finally met Santa.... yeah she was not impressed....

SO where was I.... oh yes, so after the Christmas Parade... I lost my job... and by lost I mean, they canned me like tuna yo... Without going into too much detail, since this IS the world wide web and all... it sucks.... I cried, even though I tried my derndest not to.... I hate for people to see me cry as it is... and I cry over EVERYTHING.... In this instance I was crying because I was sooo mad I could spit... but they didn't know that. I guess selfishly I didn't want them to think I was crying because I was sad or something.... Just sayin, if any of my former employers actually (or even maybe accidentally) stumble upon this... Those were mad mad MAD tears people.. What a way to start December! 

Christmas 2012
We made it to Christmas morning, with only a few meltdowns and 'OMG! I suck at life!' texts sent to Veronica.... You should probably go on and assume that by a few I mean a ton... Hey, I can be little dramatic sometimes.... So yes... that is our lovely family Christmas 2012 picture... I'm for real, there were NO good ones! Sigh.. it's like herdin cats around here I tell ya!

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