Wednesday, August 29, 2012

In the middle of my little mess...

Where does the time go?! Seriously!!
Seems like just yesterday I was holding my sweet baby Bug for the first time, and then I blinked and she started Kindergarten! Yes, Bug started Kindergarten last week. They did a split schedule for the Kindergarteners this year, so she went Monday for a little bit, then was off until Thursday when she started the normal school schedule.
The day could NOT have gone worse! First, we got up a little later than I had orginally planned.... One day Lord, I will learn to stop tryin to out plan You.... I HAD planned on getting up early, making a super cute first day of school pancake breakfast, getting everyone showered and then head to Nanna's where I would get Bug dressed for school. *Yes, I DO have clothes for the girls at our own house, but their school clothes we leave at my Momma and Daddy's because she takes them to school...* So, first plan to go was the whole super cute pancake breakfast... I got up late, even though Bug had woke me up at 4:30 because she was SO excited to be starting school.
Onto Plan B... 'what would you like for breakfast Bug?' 'Life cereal!' Ok, I think, easy enough... so I fix her Life cereal, and tell her to eat her breakfast while I finish getting ready and getting everything rounded up and in the car so we can head to Nanna's house and she would get ready for school. Well... Plan B went out the window too... she would NOT eat that Life cereal to save her life! Now, I am starting to panic.... Bear is still in bed asleep... I still have to pack Bug's lunch, but where is her lunchbox?? At Nanna's house with the rest of her school stuff!
I give up... get the girls loaded up and head to Nanna's house. I get Bug's lunch packed up while Nanna gets her dressed and gets her teeth brushed. Then I fix her hair, and we are off to school. I have all her supplies (I thought) and my camera (again.. I thought)... so when we pull into the parking lot I tell Bug I want to get her picture in front of the school. Well.... Guess who left her SD card at home in the computer.... Yeah.... I was NOT happy, and it only got worse when I realized that my camera doesn't have internal memory....
So... I beat myself up over being the worst mom ever, I mean who forgets the camera on the first day of Kindergarten! I start unloading Bug's school supplies and realize we left her nap mat at Nanna's house! Great, I think... just great... Then, a glimmer of hope... I'll run home, get her nap mat, and grab my SD card too! I drop Bug off at class, grab a couple of pictures with my cell phone, visit with her a little while she colors and tells me she's "fine" and that I "can go already". Her teacher takes a picture of the two of us together (her teacher didn't forget her camera.... thank goodness, but still made me feel even worse) and I head back to Nanna's to get the nap mat and SD card.
I was only gone maybe 10 minutes, not even... I am pretty excited that my plans to document the first day of school haven't been totally ruined by my lack of brain... So I'm like floating on air all the way in the building, thinking how awesome it's going to be to get some real pictures with my real camera.... only to find the classroom completely empty of students when I return...
They had already left for PE.... I was crushed.... So I cry to the teacher (who is super nice I must add) about the woes of our morning, and how I now feel like the worst mom in history for leaving our camera at home... she assures me she will take lots of pictures, not only on the first day but also thru out the year... she is making all the kids a scrap book for their first year of real school. I smile, and realize that it is kinda funny AND that I have to get to my own school and get my books because I have class that night too.
Bug had a great first day... she LOVES school, loves her teacher, wants to ride the bus and take lunch money for chocolate milk.... I am sad she is growing up soo fast, I want her to still be little... but I am blessed that she is independent and smart....
Here are the only 2 pictures I got from her first day... At least I have these, AND if I hadn't told you they were cell phone pictures, you would've never known....
Picking out a crayon for her picture

She is so beautiful! Makes my heart bigger....

Friday, August 17, 2012


Hows about a little about me? Sure, Ok! Well.... I love the Lord, and am super glad He forgives even the likes of myself DAILY (because He soo knows I need it). I am a single mother of 2 of the most precious, beautiful, dramatic little girls ever. I love them SO SO much. Getting divorced changed my life, and the girls and I are rebuilding (well, ok I'm rebuilding... they are just helpin hand the nails). I am striving to be an example to them in everything.

My life!
 I'm in school, tryin to become a nurse. (Yes, Daddy, you were right. I should've done this when I was just out of highschool....). Originally, I had planned on becoming a Labor and Delivery nurse, but now I'm thinkin maybe working in the newborn nursery wouldn't be so bad. I've still got a while to decide, thankfully. I also work full time AND sell Scentsy on the side (well, try to anyways).
Don't ask how I balance it all... I've heard that same question so many times, and I have yet to come up with a witty response. Honestly, it's just something I have to do so I just do it. 

Maybe I should quit my day job...
  It helps that I live close to my family, and have a church family that is willing to help out. Honestly, I would not be where I am without all that support. There is a lot of truth in "It takes a village".

Bug and Bear
  I enjoy sewing, crafting, and singing (mostly really really loud in my car... only when I'm alone though. And sometimes when I'm not...). I get a lot of joy when I sew pretty dresses for my girls. Just seeing them twirl around makes my heart grow. Crafting stores are one of my weaknesses, and I secretely wish I could be a bazillionaire so I could buy all the pretty fabrics on my wish list (not really, because then I'd be flat broke). I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and a people pleaser; confrontation makes me uncomfortable, and I try to avoid it at all costs (well, unless you're my dad... then it becomes my hobby).

Thank you Lord...

 I'm learning and growing in my faith daily, trying to live a life that is pleasing to God. I am totally over sensitive, and have a need to analyze EVERYTHING. I am a huge 'words of affirmation' person... I LOVE hearing compliments. Hey, everybody needs an 'atta-boy' now and then.
 I'm addicted to post it notes and inspiring quotes. My favorite color is orange, but not like day glo reflective orange... think like fall pumpkins and leaves orange. I think it's because fall is my favorite season. I mean what's not to love?! Football, cool weather, sweaters.... I could go on and on. Well, ok, winter would be a close second. 

Tryin to train 'em early...

That's pretty much me in a nutshell. I love God and love my family. Just trying to make the best with what I've been givin, and live a life that maybe inspires someone else while I'm at it. I needed a place where I could vent, laugh, share, cry, analyze, and basically just get things out of my head. I have no idea what this blog will become, but it's sure to be interesting.